Welcome to my website!

My name is Ye June Jung (call me June) and I am a fifth-year Ph.D. candidate in political science at the University of California, San Diego. I am currently visiting the University of Mannheim in Germany as a predoctoral fellow (2023-2025) at the Chair of International Relations.

My research lies at the intersection of international organizations and international political economy. In my dissertation project, I study the linkage between human rights and economic policies, with a regional focus on (but not limited to) the European Union. I examine how human rights issues are linked to international trade, who the main actors are, the effectiveness of these linkages, also distinguishing the dynamics of labor and human rights issues in trade. 

I am largely interested in these topics:  linkage politics, international human rights law, international trade, international and domestic institutions, and European Union politics.

Before coming to UCSD, I finished my MPP at Seoul National University and majored in public administration for my bachelor's at Yonsei University, South Korea. 
